Sunday, December 7, 2008

I'm really bad at updating this thing.
Well thats probably because there's not much that has been happening lately...
Other than work sucks a shitload and I'm going to try to get a job before I get fired.
My boss is threatening me to pay 30$ (because we were short, but it wasn't my mistake) or she'll "have to hire someone new". I'm like, so what? are you going to fire me? and she's like no but you'll have to stay in the fitting rooms, you can't work the register. I'm like yea that will go well, especially when I open in the morning and work ALONE for 3 hours.
"Sorry I can't sell you this because I'm not allowed to use the register.."
Yea right.

Gah and I lost my ring :( I really liked that ring.
Oh well, it happens.
On a plus note, the holidays are comingggg :D
I fucking love the holidays. And the positive lovey feeling it gives you!
I still have to get everyone their gifts. I'm so bad at stuff like that but I try to make it good :p
Buh byeee.

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