I feel pretty content with my life as of now.
I have noticed some recent changes in myself.
A different mindset, if you will.
I am so appreciative for everything I have right now.
And I have gone back to the happy, confident person I used to be a few years ago.
Why shouldn't I be?
I have a lot to offer and whoever doesn't realize that, it's their loss.
I haven't really been sweating the small stuff.
Like there have been some people that have been trying to bring me down and start shit.
But I am SO beyond over all of that.
I don't really mind because it's petty and stupid and I'd rather not waste my time working it all out.
The people I am talking about I probably won't even talk to anymore once I'm out of high school and they're still stuck there, where they belong...
Oh and I love taking a Moorpark class with my bestie Vivchi<3
Look, I made a (weird) panda already :D

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